
     One of the key area the trust is looking at is in the area of education, wherein the effort will be to bring the best out of the students and inturn produce responsible citizens who can contribute to the betterment of the country and the world.

We designed a Project called Deevige to achieve the above goal. The logo shows the Students sitting in front of Guru, Where guru can be seen as lamp producing light.




BALAGNANAKOOTA: We planned to Open Creachs Called as “BALAGNANAKOOTA” Means Child’s Knowledge Group. This is the basic need for the Child with N number of Questions. With the Montessori Method of Learning. Here whole development of Child will happen. Here child will learn to play with parents, teachers, friends, speaking local languages, identify shapes, articles, numbers, vegetables, animals, different types of

music, dance, drawing, painting and other activities. No Compulsory writing performed here, only the Observation, understanding the above done here. More Questions More Knowledge. It’s independent learning method for child. The Foundation laid with the Culture through Enthusiastic Guru/Teacher. No uniform given to kids. Age between 2 years 6 Months to 5 years 10 months. Pre-nursery to Upper Kinder Garten.



At the time of Primary level the child will be able to understand the Environment. To develop the Child in Peaceful Atmosphere we planned to Start Primary schools called “POORVASHALA”. s. Child will start understanding Surroundings, Parents, start making friends, Dance, Sing, story telling by own, Starts Writing with fun, Child learn to do Experiments with the learnt like Reading, Rhymes, poems, Creating the works run within. Minimum 3 languages to read and write. Recitation of mantras, hymns and many other will be taken care. This atmosphere supports child to elaborate themselves with the batch in the Environment or Classroom. Child starts questioning and find answers with the support of the Guru.

Sowing seed to plant will happen. Uniforms given, taught to dress up and keep themselves clean.. Child starts implementing the learnt subjects from Guru. The Child’s Understandings will be checked by guru on tests. Age between 6 years to 10 years. Class 1 to 4 Cultured here. BALAGNANAKOOTA is a feeder to this level.






Ancient Gurukula system

This is pure residential, Entire development of Child to Cultured

Human being is focused. This is adolescent age. Complete growth to be taken care. Along with academics up to 10 Languages to read and Write, Computers, Indoor and outdoor Sports for physical development, Swimming, Horse riding, Martial Arts, Gardening, awareness of Medicinal plants surrounding us, understanding each and every species surrounding us, Preparing Native medicines for Emergency with in Home garden, First Aid, Importance of Neighborhood, Friendship, Respecting the Guru, Seeding the Value of Parents. Memorizing the studies, Exams will be given to check the learning levels. Recitation of mantras, hymns and many other will be taken care. Major learning of Vedas, Epics, sanatana dharma, Country Culture, building his/her main structure is the Importance of

“GURUKULA”. Many more learnt here. Class 5 to 10 Cultured here.

“POORVASHALA” is a feeder to this level.



This is University; this is continuation of adolescent age. The Project DEEVIGE the complete light to a Child to Global leader. The enlightenment happens here with the guidance of Guru. This can be residential or day boarding into institution. Preferably for Gurukula students of Bharat. Educational Courses* with the combination of Science, arts, technology can be taken by the student as per his/her interest. Everything the 100% Knowledge of Guru is given to the Shishya over here. They learn the values of each and every living and non-living things. Patriotism, Self-respect, Self Development to National development. They Graduate Irrespective of courses. Every aspects of Life will be explained. Global leaders will become Masters in Culture (Samskara) Education (Gnana), Mathematics (Ganithashastra), Politics (Rajaneethi), Economics(Arthashastra), Science(Vignana), Many more will be learnt and they will bethe Product of DEEVIGE in to the World. They can work as individual or a team for social responsibility. Here Cultured Human beings transformed themselves as GLOBAL LEADERS. “GURUKULA” is a feeder to this level.


*(Levels: PUC, Graduation, Post-Graduation, PhD and others)

**(The education system that deals with concepts such as quantity, structure, space and change for the Society.)